
A program that would ensure that you will always have a marvelous day free of worries as WORRIES are the enemy of life and achievements.Many people in this life are suffering,others are even in hospital beds not because they have anything wrong with their bodies but they have problems inside their heads.

1. Just 4 today,I will be happy,because happiness is a matter of within and is not about what I have or I don't have

2.Just for today,I will adjust myself to what is and not to what my desires are.I will take my luck and circumstances as they come and adjust myself to them.

3. Just for today,decide to take care of your body,so that it will be a perfect machine for your work

4. Just for today,I will strengthen my mind,by learning something useful so that I may not become a mental loafer.I will learn something that will require me to concentrate and  think critically.

5. Just for today,I will exercise my soul by doing something good to somebody and making sure that I don't get caught or noticed.

6. Just for today, I will be agreeable by trying  to be positive to others thoughts,criticize no one or try to push somebody to agree with your thoughts

7.Just for today,I will try to live through this day only and avoid tackling my whole life at once.

8. Just for today,I will have a program of what I am suppose to do every hour of the day.I may not follow it fully by I know it will eliminate 2 pests in my life.Hurrying and indecision.

9.Just for today,I will have a quite relaxing 30 minutes just for myself.In this time,I will think of God just to have some perspective in my life.

10 Just for today I will not be afraid to be happy,to love and believe that those that I love ,love me back.

Teachings adapted from Dale Carnegie book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

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